Is Mould Growth a Serious Issue? – Let's Find Out!

As a homeowner, one of the most important things you can do is ensure your carpet and upholstery are dry and clean. This is especially true for indoor carpets that are often placed directly with water. If you have mould or fungus growth in your carpet, it's time to get help from expert waterrestoration services in Melbourne. If you fail to keep your carpet and upholstery dry, you will create the perfect environment for mould and fungus to grow, but it will also cause health problems for you and your family. Why Is Mould Bad For Your Carpet? When mould spores land on your carpet, they take root. As the spores grow into mould colonies, they begin to produce black, slimy spots that are irritating to look at and can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. These pustules can also release toxins into the air, which adversely affects the health of everyone living in the same home. The signs of carpet mould growth include a discoloured area that may seem to be growing all by itsel...